What We Do

Doing what we do matters

The situation in rural health care is tough 

If you have spent any time in rural medicine, or lived in a remote  community, you will appreciate that life is different. While it’s a great life, it can be tough. 

Rural communities are isolated and separated by vast distances.  But they are responsible for feeding us and keeping us healthy. They contribute over 67% of the value of Australia exports – nearly $400 billion. 

So, what’s happening in rural and remote locations really matters to us all.

Distance, isolation, and  lack of access to services are part of rural health. And as a result of this, lives are at risk every day. By working together, we can fill the gaps that exist in healthcare for rural and remote communities.

Some alarming statistics

  • The mortality rates for rural and remote people are 1.8 times what they are in the city.

  • People living in rural and remote areas also have higher instances of disease as well as injury.

  • 3 out of 5 rural people do not see a specialist when they need to,. Mostly, because there isn’t one close by.

  • 80% of our health practitioners in our remote communities are travelling over 300 kilometres to receive healthcare.

  • The disease burden due to suicide and self-inflicted injuries in remote areas is 2.2 times that of cities.

Taking action, creating change 

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Providing free medical equipment

Funding lifesaving equipment for rural communities . 

Supporting GPs and health workers

Keeping our health practitioners healthy and in rural towns 


Delivering emergency relief

Emergency funding for access to healthcare during natural disasters 

Conducting research into rural health

Understanding  rural health needs to inform program support 

Promoting better health

Implementing vital health and wellbeing programs in rural communities 





“Alone we can do so little,

 together we can do so much.”

– Helen Keller