
Rural Doctors Foundation

CategoriesAgeing Disease Prevention Mental Health

Social connection is key to ageing well

Social connection is so important, particularly as we get older.

Having celebrated his 60th birthday and becoming a grandfather recently, Tarun Sen Gupta is all about social connection. Anyone who knows Tarun knows he loves to be surrounded by people, telling stories of his remarkable life and adventures.

This article shares his views on the importance of staying connected.

The Loneliness Epidemic CategoriesMental Health Wellbeing

The other face of Valentine’s Day: The Loneliness Epidemic

For many, Valentine’s Day is a day to feel loved and appreciated. Sadly, for others it is a reminder of how lonely they feel. Valentine’s Day also reminds us of the importance of the relationships in our lives,
Rural Doctors Foundation reminds us of the importance of social connection and provides tips for tackling loneliness and maintaining good mental health.

Safer Internet Day CategoriesMental Health

Protect our rural youth against cyberbullying

Dolly Everett is a teenage girl, one who gave a face to a horrifying statistic. In 2018, Australia mourned the loss of this fourteen-year-old girl to suicide. Now, her family campaigns against cyberbullying, hoping to create a future where no one will have to face the harassment Dolly did.

Rural Doctors Foundation looks at the impact of cyberbullying in rural communities and the support your rural doctors can provide.

The King of Rural Medicine CategoriesAgeing Disease Prevention Mental Health

Connection is key to ageing well

At 59 years of age, Professor Tarun Sen Gupta has not reached official senior status just yet. But he is described by his students as the King of Rural Medicine.
He has educated and mentored about 4,000 medical students and junior doctors on their journey to being rural doctors in his decades of work. The theme of 2021 Seniors Month is Social Connections.

Rural Doctors Foundation spoke with Professor Sen Gupta, who is Treasurer of the Foundation, about the importance of staying connected.

Keeping your brain active CategoriesDisease Prevention Mental Health

Keeping your brain healthy – signs of dementia

This week is Dementia Action Week when Australians are encouraged to find out more about dementia. This will assist people living with the condition to feel less isolated and alone. To help raise awareness of dementia, Rural Doctors Foundation interviewed experienced rural practitioner and health educator, Professor Tarun Sen Gupta, who is Treasurer of the Foundation.