
Rural Doctors Foundation

Chief Executive Officer of Rural Doctors Foundation

2 minute read

Raising awareness of men's health issues

What’s in this article

On average, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day. Stronger social connections can reduce the risk of suicide. That means more men talking about stuff that really matters.


Start by mentioning anything different you’ve noticed. Maybe he’s spending more time at the bar, coming into work late, or missing social events.
“You’ve not quite seemed yourself recently. Are you okay?”
Trust your instinct. Remember, we often say “I’m fine” when we’re not. So, if you think something’s wrong, don’t be afraid to ask twice.


Try to give him your full attention, without interruptions. Don’t feel you have to diagnose problems, offer solutions or give advice. Just let him know you’re all ears, judgement-free.

Follow-up questions are good, too. They’ll help let him know you’re listening:

“That can’t be easy. How long have you felt that way?

Encourage action

Help him to focus on simple things that might improve his wellbeing. Is he getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and eating properly? Maybe there’s something that’s helped before?

Suggest he tells other people he trusts how he’s feeling. This will make things easier – for both of you. And if he’s felt low for more than two weeks, suggest he sees his doctor.

Check in

Suggest you catch up soon – in person if you can. If you can’t manage a meet-up, make time for a call, or drop him a message. This will show you care. Plus, you’ll get a feel for whether he’s feeling any better.

If you’re worried somebody’s life is in immediate danger, go directly to emergency services.