
Rural Doctors Foundation

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In conversation with ...

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Brisbane Queensland

Fran shares her journey as to how she became CEO of Rural Doctors Foundation.  She also talks about her vision for rural health in Australia.

Townsville Queensland

We speak with Dr Michael Clements as he reflects on ANZAC Day and the lessons and values he took from his time with the Royal Australian Air Force.

Rural Generalist and Visiting Medical Officer
Echuca Victoria

We interviewed Dr Sue Harrison, rural GP working in regional Victoria. She’s dedicated much of her life to rural medicine. She has an Order of Australia, and she’s raised an amazing family too.

Jaide Vidafar interviews Papa Cygnet, a respected elder from the Torres Strait Islander community. He shares insights and wisdom on health from an Indigenous perspective.

Denmark Western Australia

Dr Alex Sleeman has some stories to tell of his travels that often turn into emergency situations.