
Rural Doctors Foundation

The Loneliness Epidemic CategoriesMental Health Wellbeing

The other face of Valentine’s Day: The Loneliness Epidemic

For many, Valentine’s Day is a day to feel loved and appreciated. Sadly, for others it is a reminder of how lonely they feel. Valentine’s Day also reminds us of the importance of the relationships in our lives,
Rural Doctors Foundation reminds us of the importance of social connection and provides tips for tackling loneliness and maintaining good mental health.

CategoriesDisease Prevention Wellbeing

Screening for cancers – visit your GP regularly

Seeing your GP for a check-up when you are well is just as important as going when you are sick. Your doctor can take the time to do screening for conditions you may not know you have. Sometimes people ask to be “checked for cancer”. Although there isn’t one single test GP’s can test for specific types of cancer based on your lifestyle, family history and other risks.